Getting a massage can be very relaxing for the body and the mind. However, regular massages are not the best for skin. Just like your face, the pores of the skin on your shoulders and back can become clogged from the oils that are used during the massage. When your pores become clogged with impurities it can cause acne and other skin conditions.
Back facial treatments can help transform your skin and reverse these effects. They refresh the skin on your back and shoulders for smooth and beautiful results. Back facials combine the purifying benefits of a facial and the relaxation of a massage.
Each customized back facial includes a deep cleanse, invigorating exfoliation, and extractions if needed. Then enjoy a soothing massage that will help you fully relax and let the stress from the day go away. A warm back mask will purify your skin and a light weight moisturizer will hydrate to nourish and protect your skin, revealing healthy, glowing skin. Then head back into reality feeling relaxed, refreshed, renewed to tackle the rest of your day.
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